3 Steps:
1. Register for the Podcast Explorations
2. Pay for your Podcast Exploration. $55/Podcast Exploration
Upon receipt of both Google Form registration and payment (steps 1 & 2) we will e-mail you the password to your assignment page.
3. Register the Graduate Credit for the Podcast Exploration
No CEUs available for Podcast Explorations.
YES, these credits work for license/certificate renewal!
Pay the University for the grad credit, not TyC.
Podcast Explorations are self-paced. Choose your due date by seleting the term in which you register with the university. *You can start/finish at any time*
Podcast Exploration Requirements: listen to 9-12 podcast episodes, create 3 documents summarizing the podcast focuses and complete an essay exam.
The New York Times Best Selling author of Teach Like a Pirate, Dave Burgess, leads rich conversations with fascinating guests on wide-ranging topics such as education, entrepreneurship, principles of success, mindset, fitness, wellness, and, most importantly, topics that will inspire, empower, and uplift YOU.
Teaching strategies, classroom management, education reform, educational technology — if it has something to do with teaching, we’re talking about it. On the podcast, Jennifer interviews educators, students, administrators and parents about the psychological and social dynamics of school, trade secrets, and other juicy things you’ll never learn in a textbook. Other episodes feature Jennifer on her own, offering advice on ways to make your teaching more effective and more fun.
If you love the Teaching Keating podcast, this course is for you! With more recent episodes, Round Two with Wes & Molly host discussions important to the daily practice of educators.
Wes and Molly use iconic teaching moments from movies and television as a vehicle to reflect on instructional practice. They invite you to laugh, agree or disagree, and work toward discovering exactly who you are and where you stand as an educator.
The #EduDuctTape Podcast focuses on viewing #edtech as a tool used to meet goals, address learning standards, and solve problems in the classroom, much as duct tape is used as a tool that solves a plethora of problems in our lives. Each episode features a different inspiring educator helping Jake answer “teacher questions” with awesome ideas for using tech in the classroom.
Truth for Teachers is designed to speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and heart of educators and get you energized. We delve deeply into the topics of mindset, unpacking personal bias, habits for strong mental health, and overall teacher well-being. This course is divided into 3 parts. In Bring Your “A” Game, educators will learn how to prevent burnout, to humanize your classroom, to engage reluctant learners, and to raise expectations. In Play Your Cards Right, educators will learn how to differentiate parent communication, set boundaries, and communicate more effectively. The importance of being your authentic self in the classroom is also explored. In Win Day By Day, educators will learn about The Weekend Effect, debunk 4 myths, and discuss 10 sticky situations in schools. Finally, educators will be reminded to give conscious recognition to all of the good things that are happening.
The Teachers on Fire podcast profiles agents of growth and transformation in K-12 education. Host Tim Cavey chats with inspiring educators to bring you their highs and lows, passions and goals, and the voices and influences that are shaping their thinking and inspiring their practice. Cavey is an 8th grade educator and vice-principal in Vancouver, BC, Canada. He has completed a Master’s of Educational Leadership degree through Vancouver Island University, and the 2020-2021 school year was his 20th in education. In this 3-part podcast exploration, you will learn to Ignite the Flame, Avoid the Burnout, and Spark the Fire as it pertains to your own passion for teaching and learning.

Brian Mendler was a kid who created challenges for teachers. As an adult, he became a special education teacher and now teaches teachers and administrators how to work with kids like him. He is the author of the book The Taming of the Crew which provides educators with easy to use strategies for preventing and responding to difficult, disruptive, defiant and unmotivated behavior. He is engaging! His commentary is amazing and his podcasts are thought provoking!
Brian shares news, best practices, and strategies from his latest visits to schools all over the country.

Teach Me, Teacher is a podcast for educators where teachers discuss topical, informative, and inspiring subjects. This is a show and a course for anyone in the field of education and features teachers and administrators from all over the USA sharing unique perspectives. This podcast and this course are fueled by the idea that teachers learn best from other teachers and coaches IN and around the classroom. The students of today are not the students they were. The have changed, and they will keep changing. In order to adapt to these circumstances, it is imperative that we, as teachers, stay students ourselves, and learn from each other every single day. Educators today don’t have time to waste. You need the good stuff now...and that’s exactly what the Teach Me, Teacher podcast will help you get.

There’s a lot you can learn from the My Bad podcast’s guests who are educational leaders and sometimes screw-ups. In this podcast exploration, you’ll listen to actual teachers and principals tell stories about mistakes they’ve made and how and what they’ve learned from these incidences. Admitting mistakes and personal reflections and then applications of lessons learned; each episode is a case study an individual who screwed up and how he or she was able to grow personally and professionally through the mistake.
The podcast is produced by BAM Radio Network and is hosted by Jon Harper. Mr. Harper is currently the principal at Sandy Hill Elementary in Cambridge, Maryland. Prior to becoming an administrator, he was a National Board Certified Teacher in first, second, fourth and fifth grades.
Join Weston and Molly, as they use iconic teaching moments from movies and television as a vehicle to reflect on instructional practice. They invite you to laugh, agree or disagree, and work toward discovering exactly who you are and where you stand as an educator.
Weston is a former high school teacher and administrator who now works as a Senior Fellow with the International Center for Leadership in Education. His work as a keynoter and instructional coach has afforded him the opportunity to learn alongside teachers and administrators from all 50 states and more than 30 countries around the world.
Molly is a former elementary and middle school teacher who now works with teens and young adults in parochial education programs around Colorado. She and Weston are the parents of two elementary aged children who provide additional fodder for an ed-centric podcast.