No Dates yet for Summer 2025
Motivate, Engage & Challenge EVERY student!
These workshops provide different strategies and methods to transform ordinary worksheets into engaging activities and games. At these workshops, participants will assume the role of a student as they play the games and do the hands-on activities that cover a variety of content from all levels: elementary, middle school and high school. A wide variety of content areas will be included: Language Arts, Sciences, Math, Social Sciences, Foreign Languages, , Music, Fine Arts, and Vocational. Workshop attendees will be given examples, instructions, templates, and time to create their own versions that will be clasroom-ready at the end of these make-and-take workshops. We provide something for every K-12 teacher.
4 Different 1-Day Workshops with over 30+ different activities/strategies presented & the option to earn 4 separate USF Graduate Credits.
Workshop #1
Transform Ordinary into Extraordinary
Sums Up
Horse Race
Workshop #3
Transform Student Learning with the 4 C's
Amazing Race
Poll Everywhere
Dots & Boxes
Spot Right
Workshop #2
More Extraordinary Transformations
Brain Rush
Tile Time
Find Someone Who
More Money
Workshop #4 Trending Transformations
Professor Potato Head
Escape Rooms
Up Four It
Book Snaps
Quiz Quiz Trade
“Great presenters – loved every minute.”
“Perfect Workshop loaded with realistic ideas”
“Best workshop I have ever attended. And I have attended A LOT of them!”
“I am excited to transform my classroom.”
9:00 am – 4:00 pm (1 hour lunch on your own)
No Prerequisites Workshops do not need to be done in order, attend 1, 2, 3 or all 4.
Cost: $75 Includes a booklet with instructions for all the activities, materials for participation in the activities the day of the workshop and templates to create own versions.
Optional Graduate Credit University of Sioux Falls $45 *Sorry no CEU Certificates
Link to Register *Pay Close Attention to Workshop Number, Location & Date

Transform Your Classroom creates customized workshops for your staff. Workshops can be whole-day or half-day. These workshops can be created for all contents K-12 or modified for specific grade levels and content. TyC has done before school in-services, workshops during the school year and summer.
Contact us for more information, availability & pricing.
Thank you to all who have come before us with the seedlings for these activities that we have tended to and grown in our own classrooms, in our own way. We are truly grateful for all of the ideas that serve as the foundation of our workshops. Also, a big thank you to all of the web developers and hosts of educational web sites that work hard to keep them free and accessible to all teachers and students.